Friday, February 4, 2022

Teddy Bear Trees

Kyle, Peter, Kristina and I spent 4 days skiing in Rogers Pass and the Revelstoke area with Sabina Wodak, and ACMG guide who spends most of her time skiing the pass. Conditions were all time and we ticked off a some epic objectives while learning lots of new backcountry skills.
Heading up Connaught Creek from the Visitor Centre
Day 1 started with heavy snow and bad roads. All the winter restricted areas were closed so we had limited options on where to ski. Although we had all been there before, the decision was to ski Teddy Bear Trees, a classic storm day zone. Sabina was stuck in traffic so we started up without her. She did eventually catch us as we were getting ready to drop into our first line.
Snowing heavily and we are stoked!
 The snow was deep and light through the Teddy Bear Trees. The 80 cm of storm snow felt bottomless and we had a blast ripping through the steep glades. Rogers Pass always seems to deliver.
Kyle coming up for air between face shots
Kristina dropping into another zone of deep pow
The kind of day dreams are made of
Peter finds a stash
We spent the whole day shredding the zone. After 3 big laps in the trees we rode out to the parking lot. It had been super quiet all day likely due to the poor roads, considerable avalanche danger and the fact it was a Friday. It had snowed about 15cm through the day and wasn't showing any signs of slowing.
One more lap!
Trench town
Storm days are the best days
Snowman Kyle
Back at the car we had a debrief of the day. If our first day in the pass was any indication, it was going to be an epic weekend! The roads sucked heading down to Revelstoke and it took almost 2 hours to reach the hotel. We dumped our gear then hit up Big Eddy Pub for some delicious burgers before an early bedtime. Sabina had big plans for us in the days to come.
Back at the car after a full day of tree skiing

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